Remco Boerefijn

Intro by Remco Boerefijn, CEO

In 2020, we have not seen “business as usual”. COVID-19 has resulted in challenging times for many families, suppliers, customers and ourselves. But our IPCOM companies in the various countries have reacted very well.  

I want to thank everyone for their efforts during these past months. You have continued to serve our customers really well. And together, we have realized healthy turnover levels again especially since the month of May. 

We have also made sure together, that customer payments were done in time. This will remain crucial in the coming months and years.  

With the team in Melle, we have started to look carefully again at new acquisitions. Our solid cash position allows us to do so. These processes always take time, so you may see 1 or more acquisitions in the first months of next year.  

It is still very difficult to travel. Nevertheless, I look forward to seeing or meeting you again in your country. Digital meetings work really well (better than we expected), but there is no real substitute for a personal meeting with you, our customers and our suppliers. 

Take care and keep up the good work! 

Remco Boerefijn, CEO