How engaged are you?

In April we have organized our first Employee Engagement Survey within the IPCOM group. It was great to see that you participated in large numbers and provided numerous valuable insights. Let’s take a look at the results.

Why an employee survey?

At IPCOM, we are committed to creating a work environment where every team member feels valued, supported, and inspired. Employee surveys are important opportunities to listen to employees’ genuine concerns and to take actionable steps for improvement. By organizing this employee engagement survey, we do not only aim to enhance employee engagement but also to foster a culture of mutual respect, open communication, and continuous growth.

Some facts & figures

The survey was sent to all IPCOM group companies (except the most recent acquisitions) in 16 different languages. To reach as many staff as possible, various measures were implemented, including providing a computer in the production hall, offering the survey on paper, etc. We are happy to share that these initiatives resulted in a very solid participation rate of 73%.

Some results of the group

The first part of questions sought your opinion on the work environment, culture, and leadership. Although there are differences among the various IPCOM group companies, the average score for the entire group is 3.7 (on a scale of 1-5). 

The second block of questions probed your engagement, and included questions around vigor, dedication and absorption. To have an objective benchmark we relied on a university study (Utrecht Work Engagement Scale). Here we can conclude that the scores for the group are in line with this university study. 

Next, you were also asked to what extent you would recommend your company as a place to work and you were invited to write additional comments, suggestions, etc. 23% of all participants provided some additional input here. This is great feedback that can help the companies improving productivity, performance, and happiness.

Results of your company

The above is reflecting the results of the total group. But what you are probably most interested in is how your company did? The results of each individual company have been shared with the Managing Director and will also be shared with all of you (if not yet done). Action plans are being developed and will be followed up accordingly.

Thank you to all participants. Your insights were of great help to identify how we are doing and where we can improve. We keep moving forward together!