Preface of our CEO

Dear colleagues, 

2022 is approaching its end; looking back, it was another eventful and challenging year for IPCOM.

Despite the uncertain economic and geopolitical environment, IPCOM's current activities remain strong; we continued to grow in revenue and expanded the group with new acquisitions.  In the fourth quarter, we signed two new agreements. In both cases, we are waiting for the government’s approval. We will inform you immediately once we have “green light”. In 2023, we aim to sustain this growth through acquisitions and have already started various constructive discussions. 

The rebranding program of ISOPARTNER is still in full progress. This month, ISOPARTNER Austria's new website was released, and since November, Wolf Blechbearbeitung has been fully integrated into ISOPARTNER Deutschland GmbH. Ireland, Switzerland and the Netherlands will follow soon. 

We have also paid a lot of attention to awareness this year.  Via the IPCOM E-learning, many of you have completed the compliance and cybersecurity trainings. Meanwhile, we have also developed a strategy and action plan to protect ourselves even more, for instance against “hackers”. In cooperation with all group companies, we will systematically implement improvements. The compliance training will also be further expanded with a sanctions policy training which some of you will be able to attend soon. These areas will also receive further attention in 2023.

What 2023 will bring is still unpredictable, but it promises to be even more challenging, with a multitude of cost challenges going from significant energy and raw material prices to higher rental and transport costs. Nevertheless, our company operates in a vital industry that will contribute to an efficient transition to a climate-neutral future, where insulation in all its forms will help our customers make their project energy efficient.

Let me conclude and thank each and everyone of you for your commitment and dedication over the past year, and to show our appreciation, you will receive a nice gift from the IPCOM Group at the end of the year. Furthermore, I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy new year!

Moving forward together towards 2023!

Best regards
Remco Boerefijn