Our most passionate colleagues


In the previous newsletter, we introduced the value Passion. Read here who was nominated as most passionate colleague and for what reason:


Bert Ehlers

Position: External Sales
Company: Isopartner Deutschland

Nominated by: Carsten Böhme
Reason:  Thank you for your commitment to the customers and inspiring the Isopartner team! You go “above and beyond” for your customers. 

Matthias Baur

Position: Internal Sales
Company: Isopartner Deutschland

Nominated by: Bert Ehlers
Reason:  You integrated very quickly into the team and the workplace! You are driven to learn new things and handle challenging tasks. You have a strong passion for working with our customers!

Both colleagues received a cinema box as reward for the passion and dedication they’re demonstrating in their job. Enjoy the movie and keep up the passion!