Alara-Lukagro organises Acoustic Sailing Weekend

On 10 & 11 September 2022, Alara-Lukagro organised the 20th edition of the Acoustic Sailing Weekend, a sporty and enjoyable event within the acoustics world you don't want to miss.

The Acoustic Sailing Weekend took place at Waterhostel It Beaken in Heeg (Friesland). With around 90 participants from 13 different companies, we can speak of great enthusiasm!

Although the programme of the Acoustic Sailing Weekend only officially started on Saturday, most of the participants had already arrived on Friday.  That way, they were sure to be present for a well-filled weekend programme.


In the morning, the sails were set for the first round on the Heegermeer. This way, all participants could warm up for the competition in the afternoon. After lunch, everyone gave their best during  the first part of the competition, the race. In the evening, all these sporting efforts were rewarded with music, some after-sail drinks and a barbecue.


After breakfast on Sunday, it was time for some more competition… the scavenger hunt. By entering coordinates, participants were able to find questions at 12 different places on the lake. 

Besides a lot of fun, this also resulted in a prize for the best scoring teams. First prize went to RIVM, second place to Deerns and third place to Hogeschool Rotterdam. 

Congratulations and hope to see you again at the next edition!