Overview art

Artist @ work

Artists are everywhere, from celebrities showing at famous art galleries to locals hoping for a spot on a café wall. Also in IPCOM we have some artists at work!

Gina De Coster - Waeyaert-Vermeersch Insulation


Gina De Coster is part of the Accounting team at Waeyaert-Vermeersch Insulation in Belgium. During the past 14 years, Gina has not only proven to be a loyal, energetic and positive team member. She also demonstrated to be an artist at work and brightens up the offices of Waeyaert-Vermeersch and Isolteam with her paintings. Great initiative, as displaying art in the workplace can elevate employee performance, mood and physical well-being!
In a year of lockdown, Gina dedicated a lot of her spare time in her studio at home. Take a look yourself at the result.

The Jacosol team seems to have a heart for art

Jacosol has recently participated in an exceptional project.

Artist Karin van Dam has made an artwork from mesh and Armaflex insulation hoses. The object can be admired in the Amstelpark in Amsterdam.

Karin van Dam is an installation-artist. For her artworks she mainly uses construction materials, such as pipes and tubes, construction plastic and rubber. You can find her (temporary) creations in special places, such as museums, but also on the roofs of buildings or on the corner of a street.

Karin Van Dam considers her installations as fantasy cities in which you can wander around. And that seems exactly what the boy on the picture is going to do 😊
