Insulcon curling team event

Curling talent spotted @Insulcon

The Insulcon team does not only take their work serious… Even when there is a team competition, they are throwing everything at winning the game!
Insulcon curling

On December 6th, the Insulcon team had a challenging staff night as sponsors of the local ice-skating track in Steenbergen. 

Not only were they warmly welcomed in a nice Après-ski bar, but 5 teams competed hard for prizes during a curling competition. A sport most of us only see during the Olympic Games. 

Although curling turns out to be more difficult than it seems, there were clearly talents at Insulcon who could keep their heads cool and score points. Encouraged by colleague supporters, this gave enough motivation to do this again next year. A nice team-building!

Did your company also have a fun team building? Let us know and share your joy with the group!