Customer training initiatives by ISOPARTNER

Investment in training has incredible returns.

Training does not only teach customers how to use a product, it also creates an extra value and provides an opportunity to gain valuable customer feedback. That is why the ISOPARTNER companies put continuous efforts in offering customer training. Let’s take a look at some examples.

New training room at ISOPARTNER Austria

With the help of various partners, ISOPARTNER Austria has built a tradition of offering training courses in areas such as insulation, fire protection and passive fire protection. To improve this training experience, the team has been working at full speed on a new training room at their headquarters in Vienna. From now onwards, this room can be booked for meetings and training courses. On June 14, the very first event under the name "Armaflex Info Breakfast" took place in the newly renovated room and offered 20 visitors the opportunity to get new information about the application and processing of many Armacell products.

K-flex training by ISOPARTNER Romania

ISOPARTNER Romania and K-flex Poland organized a highly successful product training. The event was attended by 25 installers from 12 client companies. During the interactive presentations, the attendees received an overview of K-flex Poland's products and detailed information on the latest technologies and features. There was a special focus on practical aspects such as product installation, which was greatly appreciated by the attendees. They also learned about maintenance methods, as well as the benefits of the products in various applications. Besides the K-flex product presentations, ISOPARTNER also used the opportunity to showcase the latest updates about the company and the IPCOM group.

The event provided a unique opportunity for industry professionals to network, meet new contacts, and share ideas. Feedback from participants was overwhelmingly positive, with many expressing their intent to attend future events and participate in similar training sessions with other suppliers.

ISOPARTNER Germany continuous training efforts

Also ISOPARTNER Germany understands the priceless added value of knowledge and offers regular training courses at different locations. Most recently, on June 15th, they organized a Flamro certification training course at their branch in Baiersdorf. A similar training will follow in Hannover on June 29th.