Customer training by ISOPARTNER

"When our customers do well, we do well." - That's why our IPCOM group companies invest in training for their customers so that they can operate even more successfully in the market.

ISOPARTNER Switzerland

In the last two years ISOPARTNER Switzerland has become a reference in the market when it comes to training, and more specifically in the areas of fire protection or with the development of an own training concept for the processing of rubber - regardless of the brand or the supplier. 

Last year, they developed the workshop "Basic I", which combines practical and theoretical training. For this workshop, they engaged 2 experienced experts and trainers for insulation plumbers. One of them is Alain Grossrieder, production manager for REGOPIR HF. He is the former owner of the business and a former vocational school teacher of the profession of insulation plumber. Because of the success of this workshop, it will be followed by a next training course "Basic II" in 2023.

Lately, ISOPARTNER Switzerland is also organizing training courses together with Eiif and the professional association ISOLSUISSE, mainly in the field of sustainability. In January, they held the Eiif TBI workshop with over 20 participants of one customer. Consequently, the customer could launch a marketing campaign regarding "energy saving through the correct insulation”. This  immediately resulted in the interest of other customers for the training course. Further training dates are planned and will be advertised online. 
Roberto Gianola, Managing Director of ISOPARTNER Switzerland recognises the benefit of training, both for the company and the customers: “ISOPARTNER Switzerland has a large network of relationships, a very good knowledge of the market and we rely on the know-how and the vast experience of the team. We continuously work on the development of training courses with the team. This way we distinguish ourselves from competitors and we can generate real added value for the customers who can expand their portfolio and services or save resources.” 


On 23 February 2023, ISOPARTNER Austria organized a Kaiflex-training at the ISOPARTNER premises in Vienna, in cooperation with the supplier Kaimann. The training was announced through various channels (email, social media, face-to-face during customers visits, etc.) and all this advertising resulted in a successful turnout: 25 participants from 10 customers! Kai Günter and Christian Göres, both from Kaimann, provided the participants with tips and tricks for processing Kaiflex hoses and sheets. Afterwards the participants could apply the theory they had just learned and experiment with the materials. It was a very informative morning and the ideal moment to bond with the customers. No concrete date is planned, but a next training will certainly follow soon!


When you take a look at the website of ISOPARTNER Germany, you can see that also they are pretty occupied with customer trainings and seminars. In several of their branches, they organize a Fire Protection training in cooperation with the supplier Flamro, including a certification by the latter. For another seminar, also held at different locations, they invited an external speaker to inform to the customers about the ins and outs of the German Construction Contract Procedures.  These seminars can count on strong support and positive feedback from the participants who described it as a “very informative and high quality event” or a “must-attend event for all craftsmen in the construction industry”. This clearly calls for more!

What about you? 

Probably the above training courses are not the only ones… Maybe your team is also organizing customer training, seminars or other customer initiatives? Let us know, share your best practices in the group, and perhaps we can all learn from each other!