Everyone is a recruiter… including you!

You can’t run a business without people. However, since the corona pandemic – up to today – many companies face the same obstacle: finding staff. Did you know you can help with this, even though recruitment is not part of your job description? Read some tips and tricks in this article in order to recruit and attract talent.

Everyone is a recruiter.  

This goes beyond the recruiting staff, or anyone in HR for that matter.  In fact, no one knows the vacant job on your team better than you (the teammates and the hiring manager). Chances are that you know people who know people who might be interested in your job.

Are you on LinkedIn?  

If the answer is no, why not?  If the answer is yes, you should be using this tool to support your company’s recruiting efforts. How? 

  1. Update your own profile
  2. Follow your organization (and the other IPCOM companies) on LinkedIn
  3. Connect with your acquaintances (family, friends, fellow students, ex-colleagues, …) 
  4. Share the (job) posts of your company so the company and its vacancies get visibility in your network

If you need help creating a LinkedIn account or updating your profile, you can:

  1. Ask someone, for example a colleague or a family member
  2. Follow this procedure: click here
  3. Let us know and we will be happy to set up a training course to introduce you in the world of social media.

Best Brand Ambassadors

Candidates want to find out as much as they can about the organization and they will do their research. Remember that you and your colleagues are the ‘face’ of the company. You are the company’s best Brand Ambassadors!  By being visible to the community at large, you’ll paint a positive image of your company at large.

All ideas are welcome

Maybe you have some good ideas to write posts on social media or the company’s website? Maybe you can add a “we are hiring” message in your email’s signature? Share ideas, brainstorm, check with your HR and/or marketing department what is possible. Together, you can create visibility and fill that vacancy. 

Work as a team to grow your team!