Fun moments with colleagues

All companies in the IPCOM group know how to work hard, but also how to have fun. It is the combination of these two that makes the difference!


On Friday 24 June, the IPCOM team headed for Middelkerke (on the Belgian coast). The afternoon was opened with a city game. The IPCOM team members turned out to be real Mafiosi, with the aim of getting as much money into their accounts as possible. Not surprising that the CFO's team won, no? 
In the evening, the agenda included a concert by the Australian Pink Floyd cover band. And, of course, there was also a cosy get-together, with a bite to eat and a drink. 


After a 2-year delay, Alara-Lukagro organised its annual family day on Saturday 18 June. This took place in the Ouwehands Animal Parc in Rhenen, where the families could first watch the animals or experience adventure in the playgrounds. Afterwards, all participants gathered at the Pandasia restaurant to enjoy a delicious Asian buffet, above the giant pandas.  
In addition, Alara-Lukagro traditionally held its always enjoyable Summer BBQ on Friday 24 June. The team could enjoy burgers, chicken satay, fries and so much more. For dessert there was ice cream, and unfortunately some rain, but this could not spoil the fun. It was another very successful edition!


On Saturday 2 July, the Waeyaert Vermeersch team – and their spouses - returned to World War I and II  during a fascinating walk  at Atlantikwall Raversyde. This is one of the best preserved remains of the German defence line, with more than sixty bunkers, open and underground passages, observation posts and artillery positions.
The evening started with a culinary treat - tapas at restaurant Vecino -  followed by the concert Queen, the Unique Symphonic Celebration! The programme was full, but an absolute hit!


On Friday 1st July 2022 after a two year absence, TIDL hosted its Annual Staff BBQ.  Chef & CEO, Paudie Gillen along with his Assistant Chef & Purchasing Manager, James O’Toole, were at the grill to serve 60 of TIDL’s staff with Burgers followed by a visit from a local Ice Cream van with dessert. The weather held for it to be a gorgeous afternoon in Dublin and a great start to the weekend!


The BBQ was also lit at Isolteam on Friday 15 July 2022. On the menu: BBQ sausage, in a bun, with fried onions, and various sauces. Chef of the day was Glenn (Installer) aka Fonzie. This was the start of the Isolteam party committee and an immediate hit. The team is already looking forward to the next party before the Christmas break!


After missing out on 2 Christmas parties, the IDT team now made up with a 2-day team event, starting on 23 April 2022. All employees were divided into 2 teams who had to compete against each other in a “Farmer Olympiad”. Of course, the main focus was on having fun and togetherness. Goal achieved! On Saturday evening, the team celebrated double as hard, to make up for the 2 delayed Christmas parties. A successful event!

Did your team or company also have a personnel event or teambuilding? Let us know and share it with the IPCOM group.