Get to know Botond Körosi from ISOPARTNER Hungary and Romania

Interview with Botond Körosi, Managing Director ISOPARTNER Hungary and Romania

You joined the company several years ago. How did your path look since then? 

I have joined Isolier- und Daemmtechnik Hungaria Kft in 2010. I was hired to build up the business in Hungary under the guidance of Josef Holzer and with the support and know-how of our Austrian mother company. The start was quite challenging, as I was all alone. Only after 6 months the first colleague joined the company. Since then, our local team has been strengthened year after year. Right now, there are 12 people working in Hungary and we have opened a second branch in Debrecen. In 2013, we have joined the IPCOM group which allowed us to have continuous growth in the Hungarian market.

In 2021 we have moved to a new modern headquarters in Solymár and 2022 brought the next big change for us: we have changed our brand name to Isopartner. This name is reflecting what we really are: Partners to our customers and suppliers. It is good to have support from a company which is market leader in technical insulation in Europe. Not only the company has followed a path of growth, from zero to what it is today. Also personally I have grown and developed myself to lead the company and our team.

Your responsibilities expanded. Besides Isopartner Hungary you also got responsible for Isopartner Romania. How did you experience this? 

Since 2021 I am Managing Director for Romania as well, with a team of 8 people there. It is a challenging task for me to be present in both countries. Thanks to the team's efforts and support, we were able to grow in both countries. It was also a big change in my private life, because I spend a lot of time away from home and my family. But on the other hand, what we have achieved in both counties makes me happy and motivates me for the future. 

Your region is currently doing very well. What’s your secret for this success? What do you feel is the biggest strength of your business units right now? 

In the past I was working in another business for a manufacturer. When joining IDT my biggest challenge was to understand also the sales side of the business. Today I have a good experience both on suppliers and sales side of the business. I believe that the understanding of these both sides makes me successful, that this is the key of my success. As I am still responsible for some key customers in Hungary I have a clear picture of the market. The markets in Hungary and Romania may be different, but the daily business and the problems and needs of our customers are the same. Our biggest strengths in both countries, is that we are very competent in solution finding and fair to our partners. We are reliable and our partners can count on us. 

What are the key goals you set for yourself? 

My main goal is to work for a company in a good atmosphere, to have pleasure in what I do and stay driven and motivated. For Hungary at the start of the company, my personal goal was to have a turnover of HUF (approx. 2.700 k€) what we have achieved in 2020. Right now, my goal is to double this amount, long term I want to be market leader in Hungary. Romania is a country with some difficulties and with a different market, but the country is almost twice the size of Hungary, so my goal is to build up and achieve similar results as in Hungary. 

How does a typical day look like in your current role as Managing Director for Isopartner HU & RO? 

Each day is different, it also depends a lot in which country I am present. Normally I drive to the company at 8:00 and I am the last one leaving the company around 17:00. I have 1-2 meetings daily (face-to-face or via Teams) with our suppliers or customers. Recently more with suppliers, due to the current pricing issues. Next, I also have a few meetings with our team (finance, sales, admin) to go through the current situation and our plans.

Normally these meetings are taking the full day. In the evening at home (sometimes with a good wine 😊) I open my laptop to finalise what's left from the day. I am still actively connected with some clients as well and I try to find solutions for any questions or problems they may have.  

What advice would you give to someone new joining your team? 

To be prepared for a young, innovative, and flexible team in a growing company. 

How would you describe yourself in 3 key words? 

Loyal, enthusiastic, and happy.

What is the most used app on your phone?

Index (Hungarian news app)