Cyber resilience

Help us improve our cyber resilience

As mentioned in the previous edition of this newsletter, IPCOM has launched an awareness campaign to improve our cyber resilience. Therefore, you have been enrolled in the Phished Cyber Resilience Training program. Read all about it here, because forewarned is forearmed!

Collective efforts 

Let’s remember: cybersecurity is not just a responsibility of the IT department. Besides systems, networks, domains, and other technical IT stuff, it’s about people, culture, and processes. Cybersecurity is the responsibility of the entire organization, of everyone being part of it. So let's work together to enhance our collective cyber resilience! 

Phishing simulations 

Maybe you received some phishing e-mails already and recognized those as phishing? Great! That’s the goal. You will continue to receive such AI-driven phishing simulations in your mailbox at regular intervals. Always be vigilant. Double-check every e-mail and screen to see if it is legitimate. Should you come across a questionable email, hold back from clicking on any links or accessing attachments. Use the ‘Report Phishing’ button in your Outlook or report the e-mail to your IT responsible. 

Phished Academy 

Every two weeks, you will also receive an e-mail with a practical 5-minute micro learning. These e-learnings will boost your knowledge on cyber security and help you change your clicking behaviour. Additionally, you'll receive invites for our concise 'Let's Secure This Now' video tutorials, lasting just a minute. Last but not least, with our Threat Alerts you will also be informed about the newest strategies of cybercriminals, so you can stay ahead of them. 

We count on you! 

The success of this training programme relies heavily on your involvement. Therefore, you should actively engage with all communication from the Phished team and complete these e-learnings. Even when it takes a bit of your precious time, remember that only with our collective efforts we can protect the company against cyber threats!