Hot Spot Repair Service

Insulcon - Hot Spot Repair Service

For over 30 years, the Insulcon Group carried out Hot Spot repairs. A Hot Spot repair is a real "trouble shooting" specialty in which we have gained a lot of experience during the past decades.

What is a Hot Spot?

Most of the time a Hot Spot is a failed part of the refractory on the inside of a (petro) chemical furnace or boiler. This means that the refractory material itself or the anchor system has failed and/or has fallen down, resulting in the exposure of hot gasses that heat up the outer casing of the furnace or boiler.

The normal outside casing temperature of an operating furnace or boiler is approximate 80 °C. With a Hot Spot the outside casing will be glowing hot red while the temperature can reach up to 800 °C. This creates a dangerous situation on the outside of the furnace or boiler in terms of Personal Protection.

If a Hot Spot is occurring it will continue to grow within the firebox of the furnace or boiler, creating a dangerous situation that cannot be stopped. The continuous runtime of furnaces and boilers (2-6 years) makes it difficult to repair. A repair means stopping the runtime, which results in production loss, increase of costs and loss of margin for the customer.

Our solution

The Insulcon Group has invented a solution, our Hot Spot repair service! We send a specialized team with equipment and materials to our customers to repair these Hot Spots from the outside of the furnace while the furnace keeps running and thus, producing.

Our team gains access to the inside of the furnace by cutting holes in the outer casing. With the help of heat resistant umbrellas they create a coffin box in which they inject our Injection Mould and secure it with anchors to the remaining casing. The Injection Mould will cure under the temperature which results in a “temporary” new lining. The temporary lining must be restored to its original lining material when the furnace will face its shutdown.

The customer is not having an unforeseen shutdown, loss of margin or production loss by making use of our Hot Spot repair service.

For more information, check our Hot Spot Repair video or visit our site