Interview with Pieter Punt

Read how Alara-Lukagro works hard in silence and lets success be their noise.

For the colleagues in the group who are not familiar with Alara-Lukagro and its activities, can you tell us a bit more about the company?

Alara-Lukagro is providing industrial noise control solutions. The company was founded in 1964 and is located in Groot-Ammers, halfway Rotterdam and Utrecht, in the so called “green heart” of The Netherlands. We’re having our own, fully equipped production and storage site of 30.000 m2 to execute the most complex, engineer-to-order projects for a wide array of industrial customers. With close to 120 own staff and an additional layer of temporary workers and contractors to scale up, we’re one of the larger employers in the area. We offer soundproof doors, walls, louvers, enclosures, silencers and containers. We’re a metal processing site, but what truly distinguishes us from the rest is our knowledge of acoustics and airflow management. We’re seen as the reference in the market for industrial noise control solutions and have the capacity to scale up and deliver volume. And last but not least, the team is committed to deliver and go the extra mile, whatever it takes. That is the essence of the success of Alara-Lukagro and our 60 year legacy.

You started at Alara-Lukagro in November 2023. What is your background and what were your motivations for choosing Alara-Lukagro as the next step in your career?

Pieter Punt

I studied Industrial Engineering and Management Science at the University of Eindhoven and started my career at Philips Electronics. Throughout the years, I’ve been working for various large industrial conglomerates, both listed and family owned, with a prime focus on general management and C-Level sales and change management roles. A recurring element in my professional life is a dominant link to project related business, capital goods and lifecycle-management, and then in particular in assignments when there’s a need to drive international growth, professionalize the business and/or getting things back on track again when they had derailed for whatever reason. What made me decide to step over to Alara-Lukagro was the entrepreneurial setting and an ability to really set the scene in our niche, outsmarting competition and delivering true value to our customers. In an international, expert driven market with products that can make a difference and will contribute to making our world a more sustainable and better place to live in.

As a newcomer, you sometimes see a company in a different way. In your opinion, what are Alara-Lukagro's strengths and what are the opportunities to improve moving forward?

Alara Lukagro

It goes without saying that Alara-Lukagro has a rich history to look back to and that there’s a lot of intrinsic knowledge, strength and stamina in the team that has brought the company to where it currently is. The company is still artisanal in many ways and I have the greatest amount of respect and appreciate for what that brings along. It is the hardworking, no-nonsense mentality that has brought success we’re currently seeing and which the community can truly be proud of. The challenge going forward is that Alara-Lukagro has grown boldly over the last period of time, while the internal organization has not been developed at the same pace to create a solid foundation to carry this growth and proactively handle all the challenges that go hand in hand with complex, multimillion projects. We’re investing heavily in staff, systems, procedures and everything else that is needed to drive our learning curve and make our growth sustainable and recurring.

Is there any project of Alara-Lukagro that stands out for you and makes you proud to have worked on?

There are many, but one to mention is the Datacenter solution that we’re delivering to Madrid. The noise control solution that we’re offering is unique and unprecedented and as such “champions league” alike. At 1 meter from the two layered container, the noise level is less than 53dB, which means less that an “average conversation”. The requirements from Microsoft where top notch, which led Cummins as our customer and provider of the generator sets to ask Alara-Lukagro for an optimized noise control solution. The system has been tested positively over the last months and is currently being installed.

While the whole market is in a bit of a slump, Alara-Lukagro is putting up very nice financial results. What is the secret of this success?

Alara Lukagro

The markets that we’re focusing on are booming. First and foremost the Datacenter market, which is expected to triple during the next years. Secondly, we’re providing solutions in the Energy sector with a prime focus on supporting the energy transition towards green energy (e.g. peak-shaving installations via use of batteries). Thirdly we’re active in Naval / Defense, which is in the light of all geopolitical developments a market where a lot of investments will take place after many years of cost cutting and divestments. This all, together with our traditional construction and general industry markets, makes that we see a lot of opportunities to grow our topline, provided that we’re able to distinguish ourselves from competition and avoid a “me-too” price battle. Investments in capacity, knowledge and an unique value proposition remain paramount, next to a robust ability to manage and stay in control of complex projects, on time, spec and in budget. That will leverage our margin and create a foundation for further international expansion and repeat business.

There is no business on a dead planet. Which measures is Alara-Lukagro undertaking for the purpose of sustainability and protecting the environment?

Our products are all about sustainability and making the world a better and safer place to live in. The EU has earmarked noise pollution as one of the major factors to tackle, comparable with the attention air pollution is getting. Too much noise has an enormous impact on our health and the environment in general. It is not for nothing that we proudly say: “Alara-Lukagro: Mastering Noise, Engineering Silence”.

Alara Lukagro

Which value do you think is indispensable for you in running a company and a team?

Having a clear plan and good team in place, followed by making sure that the plan and the team are synchronized, is the start of everything and as such an indispensable element in running a company, especially in times of crises, change and/or growth. Providing professionals - in my team and the organization more in general - room to maneuver and take ownership, is what I find extremely important. They are the experts in their field of operation and when you can let go at one side, while at the other side making sure that there’s a drive to work and connect together, great things will happen.

While Alara-Lukagro is focusing on the Sound of Silence, we’d like to know something more about your musical taste. Who is your favorite band and favorite song?

There are many styles, bands and artists that I like, but my ultimate preference goes to House & Dance Music. My playlist has been building up significantly over the last years, making sure I’m not having a bore-out moment when encountering a traffic jam when commuting. I’m not able to mention an all-time favorite, but do appreciate to share that “Europapa” from Joost Klein re-energized some moves that I had forgotten since the mid 90-ties.

Which famous person would you like to be for 1 day and why?

When we stay in the domain of noise and acoustics, I’d like to mention Chuck Yeager. In 1947, he was the first man on earth to fly a plane at supersonic speed and cross the barrier of sound. A daring moment which was not without risk, but above all a great step for science to understand more about the world beyond the speed of sound. Being in the forefront of technological developments, combined with an entrepreneurial, daredevilish “Chuck Yeager” drive, is something that appeals me. When we can cross our own barrier of sound at Alara-Lukagro, I’m a happy man!