INTRO by our CEO, Remco Boerefijn

Dear colleagues,

With the summer holidays behind us, we are looking ahead towards the end of the year and towards 2022. This year, 2021, has been remarkable.

With massive price increases and shortages of (raw) materials. Both elements are felt throughout all industries. With rising costs being passed on from suppliers to distributors, builders, and contractors and ultimately to consumers. The result is that construction contracts at agreed prices cannot always be fulfilled. Within the IPCOM Group, all business units are, together with our procurement team, closely monitoring that suppliers are “reasonable” with their increases, given the current market situation, and they give us our “fair share” of their materials. Furthermore, all sales teams are very busy with passing the increases on the customers and sometimes with choosing who gets what materials first. I know that this all requires a lot of extra effort from everyone, especially to maintain our high levels of customer satisfaction in these times. Therefore I would like to thank you all for your daily efforts and contributions.

Kind regards
Remco Boerefijn