
Ipcom Values: Flexibility

Next to passion, we also embrace flexibility @IPCOM:

“we like change and we adapt quickly”

The past year was a flood of change and complexity. The Covid-19 pandemic has presented us all with new challenges, new circumstances, and new uncertainties. Our business units have responded quickly to this changing environment and have delivered great results. 

But even without Covid, we live in an era of risk and instability. At any time a company must have its antennae tuned to signals of change from the external environment, decode them, and quickly react by refining or even reinventing its business model. If we take a look at Ipcom: we are expanding, rebranding, we are focusing on digital transformation, and so on. 
Adaptability is a requirement. As a business and as an individual.

Tips to deal with changes:

  • Be curious. Wonder, explore, and consider before you judge and decide.
  • Embrace new opportunities - change in the workplace often translates to possibility and opportunity, e.g. to add new skills to your repertoire or work with new team members. 
  • Don’t try to avoid change; it will inevitably catch up to you.

Change in the workplace is here to stay. With the right attitude and a specific set of actions, you can find the opportunity in any situation. Learn to embrace change, and you'll start to appreciate it for what it is: the chance to grow.