
Ipcom Values: Passion

In our previous newsletter we introduced the values Together and Integrity. 
Today we want to put two more values in the spotlight.
Let’s start with Passion.. 

Usually we associate this word with love, art, travelling and maybe sport. But there’s also such a thing as passion at work. Passionate employees do not only love what they do but are also motivated to contribute towards the growth of the company they are working for. 
Passion at work is an undeniable driver of success. It generates:

  • Ideas, creativity and innovative thinking;
  • Achievements, productivity;
  • Energy, motivation and happiness; 
  • Growth and personal development;
  • Loyalty, because teams that succeed together, stay together!


Nominate your colleague!

How passionate is your team? Do you have a colleague who excels in passion and who tackles the daily challenges bravely? 
If so, please nominate your colleague(s) by sending his/her name to communication@ipcom.be and explain why how this colleague outshines in passion. Each nominated person will be informed in a surprising way that his/her passion and engagement are noticed and appreciated!

We are curious to get to know the most passionate colleague within the Ipcom Group!
