ipcom compliance

IPCOM VALUES, Together - Integrity


With the crossword game in the previous newsletter, we wanted to bring up one of our Ipcom values:


Because in these trying times with Covid, lockdown, telework, … we realize more than ever how important it is to belong to a team and to work together.   In Ipcom, we encourage collaboration and help each other to succeed! Even during telework times, it’s possible to bring togetherness by having a lunch video call with a colleague, a virtual happy hour with the team, etc.

In this newsletter we want to put a next IPCOM value in the spotlight: 


Within IPCOM we are open, direct, honest and fair.  

IPCOM is committed to sound business conduct and therefore manages its business in an ethical and transparent way. Did you know that within Ipcom we have a Compliance, Integrity, Anti-Fraud and Anti-Corruption Policy? This policy is acknowledged on a yearly basis by all MD’s and Finance Managers/Controllers in the Ipcom group.  

Integrity applies to each and everyone within the group. Each individual must act in accordance with the highest ethical standards, conduct business fairly and honestly, and avoid illegality. See below a summary of the DO’s and DON’Ts to build a business with integrity: 






If you would have a concern about Fraud, Corruption or other misconduct, it may not be appropriate to raise this concern with the supervising local management. In such case, you can reach out to:

- Luc De Busscher, Ipcom Group CFO and Compliance Officer (Email: luc.debusscher@ipcom.be, T +32 9 397 07 40  - M +32 477 67 68 60)
- Roselien De Clercq, Ipcom Group HR Manager (roselien.declercq@ipcom.be, T +32 9 397 07 32 – M +32 474 78 32 91)

It is IPCOM’s expectation that its Personnel will feel able to raise any genuine concerns openly under this policy and guarantees anonymity and confidentiality.

Meet you again in our next newsletter to find out more about the remaining Ipcom core values!