The journey of ISOPARTNER Germany

Interview with Klaus Peerenboom, Managing Director ISOPARTNER Germany.

Merged from the companies Kiesewetter and Seidemann, we now look at one ISOPARTNER with an extensive network of branches in Germany. How do you look back on these organizational changes?

At first glance it seemed that Kiesewetter and Seidemann were very similar companies. But when taking a closer look, we also saw a lot of differences which had to be managed. Best approach here was to be close to the people to understand their ideas and concerns and to take enough time to communicate and explain changes as early as possible.

Germany was one of the first countries where ISOPARTNER was introduced as a new brand name. This new brand name was accompanied by a new slogan “Competent.Honest.Reliable." How did the market react to this change? Did you see any impact on the business?

First of all thank you to our sister company in Norway to allow us to take their name and thank you to IDT in Austria to take over their slogan. The combination of both is brilliant.

The introduction of ISOPARTNER in Germany has been a great success. 

We were able to establish a much fresher image, also based on our digital activities. The name and the slogan were adopted very fast by our own team and by the market. All this was based on a thorough preparation and execution of the rebranding and proper communication to all involved parties. 
I think everyone’s happy with the change and no one wants the old names back.

Earlier this year, IPCOM acquired Wolf Blechbearbeitung. Can you tell us a bit more about this company and the cooperation with ISOPARTNER?

Wolf is a specialized producer of metal sheet cladding systems, comparable to Kespet in Finland.  Some of our branches have already worked with Wolf in the past. As a consequence, the company was well known to us. The acquisition now gives us the opportunity to offer a much broader portfolio out of one hand.
Next step will be the further integration of Wolf into ISOPARTNER, which means that Wolf will take over the name ISOPARTNER as well.

ISOPARTNER Germany is managed by yourself and Jörg Seidemann. Both of you have different responsibilities and personalities. How do you complement each other/fill each other in? 

Jörg and I have worked together for more than two years. Due to our different strengths and preferences, it has developed quite naturally that Jörg takes care about the more administrative side while I look after the sales and organizational part of the business. The cooperation between us works extraordinary good and is based on mutual trust. 

We never stop learning. What is the last thing you’ve learned on the job? 

Don´t be afraid to change the company name 

Do you have a bucket list? If so, what is (still) on it?

We are on a long-term journey and there is so much more to develop and improve here in Germany.

A few examples:  Restructuring of some branches, penetration and further development of our digital platform ISOPARTNER Portal, increase our market shares, integration of Wolf, roll out SLIM4 project, penetrate PFP and conversion business, etc…

You see, it will not become boring…