Positive thinking

A lesson in positive thinking

During the last year, we went from lockdown to lockdown, from one restriction to another, …

With all this negative news, it may have become challenging from time to time to keep up the spirit and remain positive. With this article, we want to help to get your positive mindset back on track!  

Some tips & tricks: 

  • Take responsibility for speaking and sharing positively to your peers. 
  • Pull together in your community and support small businesses where you can. 
  • Write down 5 things you’re grateful for, every day. 
  • Cherish time with the people around you and deepen connections (e.g. with colleagues). 
  • Become best friends with your mind. Spend some time in there. 
  • Also, spend some time outside. Take a daily walk, run,...  
  • Build resilience. Hard times = growth. 
  • Learn something new. 
  • Get dreaming. Plan your next adventure. 
  • Bring positive news to your environment. 

Did you know that positive thinking has a biological background? Read more about this here…

As you know, our brains are changeable and moldable. One of the important explanations for this malleability is that when nerve cells become active together, they connect with each other and form networks (“Neurons that fire together, wire together”). In short, dark and negative thoughts hook together and form "bad" networks and make us feel that negativity has the overhand. BUT frequently bringing positivity into life, on the other hand, forms positive networks that become anchored in our brain.


The world looks very different, and we are much more resistant to corona collateral damage if we focus on positive thoughts. 

Regularly connecting with colleagues and share positive thoughts, can lead to solidarity, togetherness and collective well-being!