Regisol and TIDL actively promote young talent through sponsorship of World Skills events

Regisol and TIDL sponsored the biennial ‘skills olympics’ for young professionals in their respective country. By contributing to such events, they inspire young people to choose high-quality apprenticeships and technical education as a prestigious career route.

World Skills Ireland

TIDL recently sponsored the Industrial Insulation section of the World Skills Ireland 2022 show which took place at the RDS, Dublin from the 13th – 15th September. World Skills Ireland is a partnership between enterprise, industry, education, training and government that aims the recognition of skills and apprenticeships and prepares the talent of today for the careers of the future.

TIDL is a partner of the Waterford & Wexford Education and Training Board (WWETB) who provides skills courses for apprentices in the Insulation Industry. WWETB showcased at the World Skills Ireland 2022 show and had apprentices competing in the Manufacturing and Engineering National Championships at the event. The overall winner was Cameron Murtagh of Industrial Insulation Specialists Ltd.


Also, Regisol sponsored a similar event organized by SwissSkills. This is the Swiss edition of World Skills (a global movement of over 80 countries). Likewise, they promote young professionals through professional vocational championships and advocate for the diverse career opportunities offered by professional apprenticeships. SwissSkill took place from 7 until 11 September 2022 in Bern. During this 5 day’s event, more than 150 professions were presented to the public. Around 1,000 young professionals took part in the Swisskills championships. 

One of the events was the Swiss championship for “insulation plumbers”, organised by ISOLSUISSE, the Association of Swiss Insulation Companies. The 8 young competitors were able to demonstrate their skills over 4 days. The 3 best-ranked were personally congratulated by the Federal Councillor and were able to secure a winner's prize.

As one of the leading technical insulation dealers in Switzerland, it is important for Regisol to be visible in the industry and actively promote young talent (7 apprenticing companies of professional competitors were well-known customers of Regisol). Therefore, Regisol chose to be one of the main sponsors of this event and also provided material to be used during these championships. Regisol was actively involved in setting up the stand and providing on-site support during the fair.

Other representations

Next to that, Regisol is also actively represented on the board of the industry association by Nicole Schenker and on the committee of the Fire Protection Quality Seal Association by Roberto Gianola. In their words:  It is important for us to be close to the market. With these two representations in the industry associations, we gain respect among our members and we are perceived as a competent company by the industry. We don't just talk about it - we also do.”