Regisol Fire Protection Training Offensive

In addition to good service and fast logistics, customer training is an important value-add when doing business. Find out how Regisol is putting this into practice.

Customer training is beneficial to both customer and supplier. Customers learn about new products and solutions, how to use a product and get added value from it. But also for the vendor, it is a great moment to get closer to the customer, to exchange ideas about the market, to gain valuable feedback and to improve customer experience. That is why Regisol organized a number of customer training programs together with their partners in fire protection - Rudolf Hensel, Air Fire Tech, FLAMRO Brandschutz Systeme and ZZ Zapp Zimmermann. 


In May, the Regisol and Air Fire Tech team joined forces... Together, they visited a few selected customers and presented the benefits of the new TIROTECH mortar. This is an absolutely new and light mortar that can be installed easily and serves as a combination with the Air Fire Tech Rorcol sleeve. Especially the practical demonstration convinced many customers!


Together with FLAMRO Brandschutz Systeme GmbH, Regisol was also able to teach many customers about the latest FLAMRO penetration seal systems. The customers had the opportunity to install their own samples on a sample wall in order to practice the easy installation of the systems.


In June, a large Hensel training course was held on behalf of Regisol at the training center of the Isolsuisse association. During this training session, 22 participants learned all about the fire protection regulations in Switzerland and about the latest system solutions from Hensel.  Such as the new Hensel Viscos: this material is particularly suitable for openings with small pipes and cables that are spaced zero apart. 

ZZ Zapp Zimmermann

At the beginning of July, Regisol organized a 3-day roadshow through Switzerland with the ZZ Zapp Zimmermann Truck. The ZZ Truck is equipped in such way that theory as well as practice can be trained in the truck. For example the new dust- and fiber-free solutions, easy to install, were presented to the customers.

Online database

Besides customer training, Regisol also invests in digital tools. Since fire protection is very much about verifications, documents and approvals, Regisol  gives its customers access to an online database with all necessary documentation. Customers can log in 24/7 and next to the fire protection documents, they can also consult information about all other technical insulation solutions offered by Regisol. 

Recommendation to all

The Regisol team was very satisfied with the outcome of this customer training program.

Kathrin Rodenberg: We can only recommend this kind of training programs to all IPCOM colleagues. It creates added value for customers and sets you apart from the competition. 

Do you have a topic in mind that would be great for a training? Or are you organizing a training soon?