
Successful training programs @ISOPARTNER

Training never stops - it’s a process, with results far beyond the moment. Training helps to build strong customer relationships and to stay ahead of the market. The ISOPARTNER companies continue to invest in successful training programmes for their customers and staff.

ISOPARTNER Ireland looks back on a successful training program in 2023

ISOPARTNER Ireland has become a reputable training center for installers around the country. During the past year, they have provided many different training sessions for their customers and staff. Why? Because continuous education and training are key to getting ahead in many aspects of life, not just in our profession.

In the latter half of 2023, there was an Armacell installation training, Isover Climaver system training and Bostik adhesives & sealant training. These training sessions were warmly received by customers and staff, who increased their sphere of competence regarding these products and systems. 

ISOPARTNER Ireland is proud to support local companies in improving their processes & looks forward to continuing this in the new year.

ISOPARTNER Austria new training room

ISOPARTNER Austria: ready for a well-filled training program in new classroom

Also ISOPARTNER Austria looks forward to numerous training sessions in their new meeting room in Vienna! The new training room was made in cooperation with ISOPARTNER Netherlands, who provided 2 acoustic wall panels with the ISOPARTNER and IPCOM logos. These ensure the perfect acoustics during the many coming events. The optical and technical details were carried out by the colleagues from Vienna themselves. Great teamwork!

ISOPARTNER Nordics podcast Isolert Sett

ISOPARTNER launches podcast in Norway and Sweden

ISOPARTNER Norway and Sweden come to the fore with a new concept! In November 2023, they launched two podcasts in Norway and Sweden, aiming to put technical insulation on the agenda as a vital factor in the Green Shift. The idea of a podcast was born at a strategy meeting with participants from IPCOM, ISOPARTNER Norway and Sweden. The goal? To strengthen their position as a leading insulation wholesaler in Norway and Sweden.

A podcast is a unique opportunity to showcase expertise and to build strong relationships. Each podcast lasts about 45-60 minutes; while shorter fragments are also used for posts on social media, leading to a 3.5 times greater reach! 

The feedback has been positive, from customers, staff and suppliers. People express that they’re glad to see that someone tries to shine the spotlight on this small, but important industry. Also Arne Schultz, Managing Director of ISOPARTNER Nordics, welcomes the initiative: "To succeed in the green transition, technical insulation is absolutely crucial. Few measures reduce CO₂ emissions or energy consumption more. Insulating an industrial plant pays back in two years, but the impact on our planet is far greater. I hope the podcast can help spread this message further and make more people curious about this important industry." 

For now, the podcasts are only available in Norwegian and Swedish, but maybe an English version may follow soon?