TIDL-Team schneidet bei der FESI-Dämm-Lehrlingsmeisterschaft erfolgreich ab

TIDL team scores at FESI Insulation Apprenticeship Championships

Every two years FESI, the European Federation of Associations of Insulation Contractors, organizes the European Insulation Apprentice Championship. This year’s edition was held at the IEX in Cologne last May.

10 two-person teams from 9 different European countries competed in the Championship to be awarded first prize. The best national apprentice team for Ireland – Nathan Farrell and Gerry Condrun – was sponsored by TIDL. Padraig and Shaun Gillen accompanied the two youngsters on their trip to Germany.

Nathan Farrell and Gerry Condrum, Team Ireland, with Cullen Dempsey (centre), Director at their employer

Nathan Farrell and Gerry
Condrum, Team Ireland,
with Cullen Dempsey (centre),
Director at their employer.

Shaun and Padraig Gillen of TIDL who sponsored the apprentices.

This is the first time Ireland entered a team. Their task: lag a dummy with a variety of different insulation materials. Nathan and Gerry gave an excellent account of themselves and scored a very creditable fourth position. “This proved to be a wonderful experience for Nathan and Gerry, and indeed the rest of the Team Ireland crew”, says Shaun Gillen. “It strongly reinforced how important apprenticeships are for the entire insulation sector and convinced us to reaffirm our commitment to continue our sponsorship”.

Shaun and Padraig Gillen of TIDL who sponsored the apprentices.