Time to learn

The world of work is changing continuously and rapidly. Employees may be expected to take on new responsibilities that require new skills. But also products, technology, .. do not stand still. Within the IPCOM Group we find it important that our employees can remain up-to-date and learn new skills.

When we think back of learning methods at school, we often got presented text, text, and more text. This can be quite boring and is not the easiest way for the brain to retain the knowledge. Using visuals instead is a greater idea, because our brain processes visuals 60,000 times faster than text! On top of this, traditional classroom trainings are time-consuming while we have less and less time. 

That is why IPCOM opted for a digital learning platform. Hence, employees can follow online trainings that combine text with illustrations, audiovisual material and even interactive ‘games’. E-learning also offers more flexibility: trainings can be followed at any place, any time of the day, in different segments or even from a mobile device. In short, e-learning makes learning playful and joyful… 

We currently start with a limited number of training programs and trainees in the IPCOM group. But the goal is to gradually extend this online platform with more learning programs for all employees in the IPCOM group.