Where there is fire, there is also smoke!

Everyone knows the expression "where there is smoke, there is fire". In most cases this is true, but it is also true the other way around.

What many people do not realise, is that smoke poses a greater risk than fire in the event of a fire. Smoke leads to suffocation, reduced visibility and disorientation. 

For a long time the dangers of smoke were put aside, but for some years now there has been a standardised test method that now also applies as a requirement for new construction projects. EN 1634-3 is the European standard that has become applicable and is prescribed in the Building Works and Living Environment Decree (BBL). 

As Alara-Lukagro's doors are soundproof, they also have very good seals. So it was with great confidence that they had their doors tested at research institute Efectis, both single-leaf and double-leaf. With success! Their doors are now officially EN 1634-3 certified. Congratulations to the team of Alara-Lukagro!