The activities of AZ Flex: from building Lego to building relations

AZ Flex recently became part of the IPCOM group. In this article, we present some projects they are (or have been) working on, so you get an idea of who they are and what they do.

Building Lego: not a toy but lots of work joy

Last year’s biggest project was the LEGO factory in East-Hungary where AZ Flex was delivering K-FLEX ECO SRC insulation material. They are proud of being the largest supplier of this special material for the well-known Danish toy producer! 

In this difficult market with increasing prices and availability problems of many raw materials and industrial products, they succeeded to cope with these challenges and are already invited to the next LEGO project! 

Hungary becoming center of battery production

Asian manufacturers have made significant investments in battery production facilities in Hungary. Fortunately, AZ Flex succeeded to be in all of them and delivered significant volumes of elastomer and mineral wool insulation to building systems and production lines built for Samsung, SK Innovation and Semcorp. Also with these customers, they are already tendering for the next phase of their projects.

VENTS air technology products

AZ Flex recently added VENTS air technology products (ventilators, grilles, plastic air ducts, air handlers, heat recovery devices) to their portfolio. This way, they want to strengthen their position at duct and ventilation system installers. To familiarize their customers with these VENTS products, they organized training at the different locations and set up a display-wall to demonstrate the products.

Building relations

The sales teams of AZ FLEX Kft. and ADHESIVE Kft. got together with ISOPARTNER's sales team to get to know each other and facilitate a close collaboration in the future. With a lunch and a bowling activity, the team spirit was quickly established!