
Caremiso helping flood victims

Mid-July several European countries have been affected by floods that washed away cars, damaged homes and infrastructure, and took the lives of many people. Several countries were hit. Also Verviers (BE), the city where Caremiso is based, was badly affected.

Caremiso itself was spared much damage but felt solidarity with the many victims in the region. They launched several initiatives to support the local community. 

Simon Royen, Managing Director Caremiso: “Many people lost everything, they’re forced to live in temporary accommodations and have to start all over again. We cannot lean back and do nothing. We have closed the store on Saturday July 31st and joined forces that day to distribute fresh fruits and sodas to the victims. In small teams we went from door to door and distributed a total of 1000 cans of soda and 600kg of fruit! This initiative was a real human success, both for the team and for the victims.” 

Caremiso entertainment

Caremiso also delivered logistic support to a children’s entertainment event in August. With the help of music and enthusiast animators, the children could spend a wonderful afternoon, away from the misery they had been left in since the floods. Caremiso brought some extra joy by offering a bag of goodies - including lunch box, school material and candies - to each and every child. 

Thank you Caremiso! It is heartwarming to see such initiatives of solidarity! We wish all victims lots of courage and good luck with the reconstruction!