Climate changes, so should we!

Climate change is not a future problem. Action is required by each and everyone of us. With our product portfolio, we help to reduce our customers' emissions. But also our IPCOM entities themselves are setting an example on climate action, for example by switching energy systems from fossil fuels to renewables like solar. Which initiatives did your company take already?

Climate changes…

Global warming is the most crucial existential problem nowadays. Cause number 1: emission of greenhouses gases, such as carbon dioxide, methane, etc.  These gases allow heat to reach the earth, but do not let it escape - similar to how a greenhouse works. Although we are aware of the negative and possibly irreversible consequences of global warming, emissions continue to rise. 

So should we!

Humans are the leading cause of global warming, and humans are the ones who’ll need to stop it. 
The environment is everyone’s responsibility. An important role is to be played by companies.  One of the most important things we can do within the IPCOM group is to reduce our customers' emissions. But also our IPCOM entities are setting an example on climate action, for example by switching energy systems from fossil fuels to renewables like solar. See some examples here. 

Insulcon group

The Insulcon group has installed as much LED lighting as possible at all their sites. Both in the offices and in the warehouses and production halls. These are quite a few lights!  Besides the roof that has been full of solar panels for years, Insulcon NV (Belgium) will also install a number of charging stations for electric vehicles in the near future.

Waeyaert-Vermeersch Insulation

Also, Waeyaert-Vermeersch is taking environmentally friendly initiatives.  The building is not only equipped with solar panels, but they also try to reduce energy consumption via home automation (e.g. the lighting in the warehouses automatically switches off in full daylight). The fleet is equipped with EURO-6 compliant vehicles and transport is organised in such way that outward and return loads are combined on the same trip in 90% of the cases.  In positions that allow home working, they use an alternating system of permanence in the office and home working, in order to avoid unnecessary travel. They created Intensive Green Zones on vacant lots and have a separate waste collection system through their own container park. 

Kespet Oy

First of all, the sheet metal products made by Kespet, are fully recyclable and there are no emissions during the production process.  On top of that, they also installed air heat pumps at the production site and reduced the oil consumption on heating over 50% ! They have changed lighting to led lights and have solar panels on the Turku site. Last but not least,  Kespet is qualified for TIPCHECK auditing (Technical Insulation Performance Check).  TIPCHECK is a method developed by the European Industrial Insulation Foundation (EiiF). It is an energy audit specializing in technical insulation systems, aiming to identify the components with the highest energy saving potential and the most profitable payback times. 

What is your company doing?

As you see, a variety of initiatives can be taken. Share your initiatives and inspire the other companies in the group!