Interview with Hendrik Snauwaert, Managing Director Isolteam



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Hendrik Snauwaert

Interview with Hendrik Snauwaert, Managing Director

Despite the Covid-19 crisis Isolteam is performing quite well. What is your secret? 

Gosh, there isn't really a secret. As the company name (Isol-team) mentions, we highly value the team. Insulation is our passion, and we are proud to complete each project perfectly. We listen to our customers, employees and shareholders. As a team we constantly strive to improve ourselves and search for new and better solutions. We love to work hard and give the best of ourselves every day. Our focus is on great results that contribute to a better environment. Happy with the responsibility we are given, each one of us is committed to take up these responsibilities, each in his own job. We communicate openly, directly, honestly, and have trust in each other.

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In 2020 each business has introduced extra safety measures because of Covid 19. How does Isolteam cope with these requirements? 

Especially with a lot of consultation within the team, with open communication. We closely follow the regulations and act immediately where necessary. Everyone should feel safe; we support each other and are open to possible questions and concerns. Within Isolteam, we consider the corona measures as a challenge to continuously question and improve our day-to-day operations. Our approach is creative and pragmatic: with common sense we assess how to make our processes run safely for all our employees and customers.


Which project/achievement are you most proud of?  

Difficult to say...There are so many projects. In fact, I’m most proud of Isolteam as a whole, our top team that gives the best of themselves every day. Also, positive feedback from a satisfied customer really makes our day! 

Do you have any specific project on your bucket list? 

Club Brugge’s new football stadium. We have already insulated a few, but this one would be just a bit more special! 


How do you look the future ahead? 

In the short term, there are some doubts… As we are in the middle of the pandemic crisis, it is uncertain how the market will react and what the level of investments in the construction and renovation industry will be. But in the longer term we see it very positively, we must - and will - move towards a more energy-friendly world. And of course, insulating buildings plays a major role in this. 

What do you value most within Ipcom?  

The confidence we get to lead Isolteam in our own way.  



Which value is indispensable for you in running a company and a team? 


Who are your favorite heroes? 

Anyone who gives their best, unconditionally and every day, in whatever they do. Joseph Fourier: the founder of the thermal conductivity coefficient or λ. Barack & Michelle Obama: the message of hope, dreams, innovation, striving for a better world. John, Paul, George & Ringo: "All You Need is Love". Peyo, Franquin, Hergé, Uderzo & Goscinny, Rosinski & Van Hamme: as a child I spent many, many hours in their worlds. My dear wife and children: to put up with me.


Which famous person would you like to be for 1 day? 

Roger Federer or Mathieu Van der Poel; it must be “big fun” to spend a day playing tennis or cycling like they do. 

What’s your motto in life? 

Sing, fight, cry, pray, laugh, work and admire!