IPCOM invests in future workforce

With summer approaching, many eager students are preparing for a summer job or internship in which they'll gain valuable work experience. Within the IPCOM group, we invest in students and internships all year through. Why? Because this has benefits for both parties!

Let’s first take a look at some examples

During the last  5 months, Insulcon BV welcomed three students - Mo, Mex and Djerrel - for a traineeship in the production. The trio gained experience as mechanical operator A and performed various production tasks, including punching with the CNC machines and vacuum forming of refractory products. Meanwhile the internship has finished, but as an Approved Apprenticeship Company, Insulcon is always looking for students who want to develop in the field of refractory products and all the facets involved. 

As from 25 May 2023, also ISOPARTNER Netherlands is formally recognised as an ‘Approved Apprenticeship Company'. A title to be proud of! They achieved this label by contributing to the training (and enthusiasm) of MBO students in Logistics.

Also at IPCOM HQ we are committed to engaging students and interns. In the last couple of months, two students - Thomas and Matteo - have been supporting the PIM (Product Information Management) team while Emma delivered a great internship in the field of ESG. IPCOM also participated in a project where a total of 12 students worked during several weeks on defining a digital marketing strategy for the Firelog app, which created new valuable marketing insights for us. Two other students are currently exploring the world of Digital Marketing during a one month’s apprenticeship.

Perhaps your company is also engaging students and internships? If so, let us know and share your experiences with your colleagues in the group. If not, maybe you should (re)consider for a couple of reasons.

Invest in the future

First of all because it’s a great way to give back and to invest in the future! By engaging students, they get industry exposure and work experience that they would not have accessed otherwise. Moreover, youngsters are the future of the industry. Internships help students increase their network, develop as professionals, and learn valuable skills. They can assess what their interest and abilities are, and ultimately determine where their skill set lies. Developing strong and skilled interns means that you’re contributing to a strong and skilled future workforce! 

What’s in it for us?

Engaging students also has great benefits for the company and the team. You get an eager set of hands at a low cost and a high motivation. Interns can focus on the project or tasks they’re hired for, with a quick turnaround time. They take pride in their work and will often go above and beyond their role since they have a lot more time to spend on the tasks at hand. Last but not least, perhaps you have a student out of the thousand who qualifies for a permanent position. In a scarce market this is a very welcome way to recruit!