IPCOM in a nutshell (or in a word grid)

In previous editions of the newsletter, we have taken you on a journey through the world of Ipcom’s core values. Why? Because they are important. They are part of our company culture. 

A company’s culture is comparable with an individual’s personality. It refers to the set of values, ethics, and beliefs that define the day-to-day operations and atmosphere at an organization. It describes not only what we do, but also how we do it. 

In the word grid below you can find some keywords about IPCOM and its culture. Find all the listed words and with the remaining letters you can form a sentence about IPCOM.

Word Grid Challenge

Of course, no quiz without a prize. Send the sentence before June 30th to communication@ipcom.be and maybe you will be selected as the Word Grid Winner! 

Download the word grid as PDF