Ipcom Values : Out of the box  


The loyal readers amongst you noticed that we are presenting the IPCOM values one by one in the newsletters. Today we are up to the value OUT OF THE BOX! We are different, flexible and foster innovative ideas. 

Where does the concept ‘out of the box’ come from?

In the early 1970s, psychologist J. P. Guilford was one of the first academic researchers to conduct a study of creativity. One of his most famous studies was the nine-dot puzzle. The challenge was to connect all nine dots using just four straight lines without lifting the pencil from the page. Today many people are familiar with this puzzle and its solution. If you have tried solving this puzzle, you can confirm that your first attempts usually involve sketching lines inside the imaginary square. The correct solution, however, requires you to draw lines that extend beyond the area defined by the dots... During the study, only 20 percent managed to break out of the illusory boundaries and continue their lines in the white space surrounding the dots. This study led to the conclusion that creativity requires you to go outside the box! 


Thinking out of the box is good for business... 

Today, several decades later, the metaphor is still considered a logical starting point for individuals and teams looking for new ideas. If everyone just accepted things the way they are, then there would never be any innovation or improvement in the world. If Thomas Edison had shrugged and figured things were good enough the way they were with gas lamps, then light bulbs and the electricity to power them might never have been developed.  

If you view things as unchangeable, then nothing will ever change for the better. By thinking outside the box and questioning the status quo, you’ll constantly be considering how you could improve an experience, product or service. This allows you to keep growing -- and can lead to intelligent and forward-thinking decisions in business. 

… and for yourself 

Perhaps one of the most profound effects of thinking outside the box is that it will help you stay adaptable. Your mind won’t be closed off to new ideas or solutions or situations, and therefore you’ll be better able to navigate the ever-changing landscape of business.