Isolier und Dämmtechnik celebrates 25 years of activity.

An ideal opportunity to interview Josef Holzer, Managing Director

Since 2013, IDT is a part of the IPCOM Group; can you introduce your company in brief?

IDT was founded in 1996 and is today an international company active in Austria, Hungary and Romania. The main activity is to distribute multipurpose insulation materials to our customers. But more and more we are expanding our activities to custom-made insulation materials in order to create added value and become a reliable partner for our customers.

The three key factors outlined below are very important in our organization and form the basic principles for all our employees.

Competent: Many years of experience and "know-how", professional and solution-oriented action in technical insulation, make us a competent partner.

Fair: Highest product quality and fair pricing consolidate our business relationships and ensure long-term success.

Reliable: Our innovative range of goods, combined with national and international logistics, ensures a high degree of reliability.

Every day we strive to implement this for the benefit of all our customers.

How was IDT founded?

During four years of employment as a sales representative for Kaimann in Austria, I realized that I was not satisfied with the insulation wholesalers at that time and I decided to found my own insulation business and thus implement my ideas for a trading company myself.

What was the driving force? 

The level of service and the appreciation we have towards our customers have always challenged us to become even better and even more competent. Thus, the trust has constantly increased, and we have been able to develop IDT further.

Haben Sie ein Lieblingszitat?
Wenn es nicht getan werden kann, tue es. Wenn du es nicht tust, existiert es nicht. "Paul Arden"

Was ist Ihr Lebensmotto?
Sei offen für deine Kollegen und genieße jeden Tag!

Which successes can you share with us in 25 years of IDT?

Our employees are the real successes. Many of them have been with the company for more than 10 or 15 years, and a few have been with us for 20 years. I think you can see from the company's growth that it was many small successes that completed the picture. It is essential not to be dissatisfied and to see even the small steps as successes.

What future perspectives would you like to realize together with your team?

Further developing our business and establishing it on the market and offering our customers, regardless of size, the opportunity to grow with us and increase our partnership.