New nitrogen installation at the Gasunie in Zuidbroek – Groningen

ATIS International supplied the insulation package for Altrad, and this for building a new nitrogen installation at the Gasunie in Zuidbroek - Groningen.

Gasunie constructs three air separation plants for a nitrogen plant near Zuidbroek - Groningen

ATIS International supplied the insulation package for Altrad, and this for building a new nitrogen installation at the Gasunie in Zuidbroek - Groningen. This supply was realized in close cooperation with Isowill, another subsidiary of the IPCOM Group. The second order for this project has already been received by Atis International.

Why a new installation?

In order to reduce dependency on Groningen gas in the short term, the Netherlands will have to import more gas from abroad. However, this gas has a different composition and that's why Gasunie is building a new nitrogen plant near Zuidbroek in Groningen next to the existing nitrogen plant.

At this installation, nitrogen will be extracted from air here and mixed with high-calorific foreign gas, giving it the same composition as Groningen gas and making it suitable for Dutch households and businesses.