Staying in touch during Covid-19



Happy Easter from ATIS International


To wish the employees a happy Easter, Raymond Van Loon, Managing Director of ATIS International handed out a little gift. A festive drive through was built at the entrance of their buildings.


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Employees of Jacosol have been surprised by the management with a “borrel” box.

The annual dinner with employees has not been possible of a while now. 
Therefore the management of Jacosol has asked local restaurants to compose a box with some drinks and delicious snacks to surprise her employees and to show appreciation.
The box contains a selection of  wine, beer, fish, meat, bread and of course Dutch cheese. The box has been greatly appreciated by the employees. At the same time Jacosol supports other businesses in the region in these difficult times, as all products in the box are from local entrepreneurs. 

Jacosol Drive thru