Throphy for the Ugly X-Mas Sweater Contest

End of 2021, we launched the Ugly X-Mas Sweater Contest within the IPCOM group.
We were happy to receive some wonderful team photos. Take a look yourself at the pictures.

Congratulations to all participants, especially the teams Asbipro, Isowill, Kespet Oy and Flexicel. You were fantastic! It feels great to see your creativity, team spirit, collegiality and fun on the pictures!

Unfortunately only one team can win... As the decision was not easy to take, we organized a vote. All employees of the IPCOM HQ team could vote for the best picture. It was a close fight but the victory goes to ........


They win the IPCOM Team Trophy for 2021. Congratulations! Our Flexicel colleagues can expect the bronze sculpture shortly, and we hope it will get a lovely place in their HQ in Spain.

It is worth repeating next year, and who knows, maybe your team will win the next Award!

The winning picture