The time is now!

Companies play a critical role in minimizing the risk of climate change for the future of our planet. Within the IPCOM group we are taking various initiatives to reduce our carbon footprint and contribute to a safe and sustainable world.

ESG rating by EcoVadis

IPCOM recently participated to an EcoVadis assessment. This is a way for companies to assess their environmental, social and ethical performance and serves as a practical guideline to undertake actions in these particular areas. This assessment will be repeated annually and the goal is of course to increase our sustainability score.   

Carbon footprint reduction

You may recall - from a previous edition of this newsletter - that last year a carbon footprint assessment was organized by IPCOM. In cooperation with an external advisory partner “CO2 Logic”, all local companies measured their carbon footprint (e.g. energy & heat consumption at the company facilities, company vehicles, etc). Since then, several initiatives were taken to reduce our CO2 emissions. Some examples:  in the first quarter of 2023, Flexicel installed solar panels on the rooftop of their factory in Farga. Also ISOPARTNER Austria invests in solar panels (at the locations Graz and Klagenfurt) and upgrades lighting, while ISOPARTNER Netherlands installed LED lighting at their company sites in Schiedam and Wieringerwerf. In several countries, such as Belgium, the Netherlands and Austria, the switch to electric company vehicles has been introduced. While all these initiatives are ongoing, we are preparing for the next carbon footprint assessment that will be launched in the IPCOM group during the month of June. 

Inbound and outbound logistics

Kespet Oy even takes it one step further. In addition to their own CO2 emission, they will also calculate their carbon footprint for inbound and outbound logistics.  The reason is that currently logistics cause the highest CO2 emissions in their business - so there is something to improve! For example: while shipment sizes or routes can be optimized, it could also be worthwhile to switch to renewable fuels (not limited to their own fleet, but also including external logistics companies Kespet Oy is are working with).

Supply Chain

The above is a perfect example of how companies involve the whole supply chain in the sustainability project. Also IPCOM is taking actions here… Recently IPCOM launched a Supplier Code of Conduct, a document in which we set expectations towards our suppliers in the field of sustainability. The idea is that one company cannot solve the problem by itself, but all together we can really make a difference!

In short, sustainability is to be played over the long run, but with immediate start by each and everyone!